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Men’s Health Week 2024

International Men’s Health Week runs each year in the middle of June. It is an important opportunity to highlight the importance of men’s health, and to promote and support the health and wellbeing of men and boys in our communities. This year’s theme of Men’s Health Checks invites us to look at the many ways we can support men’s physical, mental and emotional wellbeing to live happier, healthier lives.

For 2024, Men’s Health Week is 10-16 June. Throughout the week we shared stories and information in support of men in the bleeding disorders community on FacebookInstagram and LinkedIn.

Men’s Health Checks

50 men a day die from preventable causes in Australia. You can be a men’s health champion:

  1. Get checked
  2. Take action
  3. Tell your mates


Mateship keeps men healthy.

  • Stay in contact with old mates
  • Take action to make new mates
  • Build strong bonds with your mates.

Keeping Active

Did you know most men aren’t active enough to stay healthy? Help your mates and family stay fit:

  • Walk together
  • Play together
  • Train together
  • Compete together

Personal Stories

Mike and Zev spoke to us about resilience and living well as you grow older with a bleeding disorder. Whether it’s for yourself, your dad, a friend, or other family member, Mike and Zev have some great advice for staying positive and developing strategies to continue to live well. Watch the video.

Tim Demos has severe haemophilia A and works fulltime as a paramedic. He explains how taking up weightlifting has made a huge impact on managing his treatment and developing healthy habits. Read his story.

Paul’s career began as an apprentice shipwright and boat builder, a field he worked in for 14 years and really enjoyed. However, when arthritis in his left ankle began to impact the physical side of his job he decided it was time for a career change. Watch the video.

Latest stories

Order promo items for BDAM

October is Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month. Order some of our free promotional items and share them at your school, workplace or family/friend event. 

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